Believe It or not yoga is for everybody. That means that even if you’re not flexible you can do yoga. Even if you have a few years under your belt or a little junk in the trunk you can do yoga. I promise you that every person who has a body can do yoga. All you need to be able to do in order to do yoga is to be able to breathe. Yoga is about doing what feels best for your body and making the poses work for you. At Sweat Shop Hot Yoga in Oconomowoc we welcome all individuals to practice yoga with us. It doesn’t matter if you’re new and a beginner, experienced or have never worked out before. No matter what category you fit into, you will fit in here. At Oconomowoc yoga we’re here to help each other, encourage each other and improve our bodies, minds and spirits together as a community. If you’re new to yoga, all of our classes are beginner-friendly. Of course we encourage you to push yourself because that is how we grow, but if a class is challenging we always invite you to rest during class if that is what your body is calling for. Most people that start out on their yoga journey are not flexible right out of the gates. There’s a small small small tiny percentage of people who are naturally flexible, but most of us are not. Yoga is a great place to start your journey if you’re not flexible. Oconomowoc yoga is a low-impact fitness activity and workout that can help you to become more flexible by focusing, breathing and stretching through the poses. Those who practice yoga on a regular basis typically find themselves becoming more flexible the longer that they practice yoga and especially the more regularly that they attend classes. In many poses if you are conscious of your body you can focus on your breathing to move deeper into the poses which will increase your flexibility. At Oconomowoc yoga being flexible is not a prerequisite to taking a class. Instead being flexible is the goal of taking many classes over an extended period of time. But there’s no rush in becoming flexible. If you’re never able to touch your toes while standing that’s okay. Yoga is not about being the most flexible person in the room. At Oconomowoc yoga it’s about breathing through the poses and doing what feels best for your body. And that’s the great thing about our bodies is that they’re all different. Our teachers are going to expect you to be able to touch your toes or put your leg behind your head that’s not what it’s about. In hot yoga you may experience that you’re able to push yourself just a little bit farther in the poses and stretches then you’re able to in an unheated environment. This is a great way to work on your flexibility and gain the confidence that you may desire to become more flexible and feel that you are a true Yogi. In hot yoga the warmth of the room helps us lengthen our muscles and tendons because they’re made more pliable by the heat. In hot yoga you will oftentimes experience being able to push yourself just a little bit farther and stretch just a little bit deeper. Through the lengthening of your muscles you will experience increased flexibility helping you move into poses that might not be accessible in other environments that are not heated. 
Doing Oconomowoc yoga or Oconomowoc Hot Yoga can also help improve your range of motion so if being flexible isn’t your goal no worries yoga is still for you. Improving your range of motion will help you do daily things with a little bit more he’s. Simple things such as going for a walk with your dog may be going for a bike ride or a hike or even just playing with your kids or pets in the front yard are much easier when you have a greater range of motion. Yoga helps our bodies explore different movements in our bodies that we may not typically do on a daily basis but these poses can help us prepare for the everyday things that we do. This could be as simple as taking out the trash or carrying in your Amazon boxes from the front porch. Between increasing your flexibility and increasing your range of motion Oconomowoc yoga is a no-brainer. To have a better quality of life on a daily basis yoga is the answer. It’s an incredibly low impact workout to help you improve your body for other motions and activities that you do in your daily life. If you’re looking to increase your flexibility, improve your range of motion or maybe practice yoga because you feel that you’re not flexible, Sweatshop Hot Yoga in Oconomowoc is the place to go. Our facility, teachers and instructors will help you increase your flexibility and improve your range of motion and are hot yoga classes. Not only will Oconomowoc Hot Yoga help you improve your body, but it will also help you improve your mind and spirit. With these improvementsthat you will go through in your daily life with increased confidence that you can do whatever it is that you set your mind to. Oconomowoc Hot Yoga is also a great supplemental physical activity if you enjoy other activities or workout such as running, biking, going to the gym, weight lifting or any other type of physical activity. Hot Yoga can be a great supplement to your current workout routine because it is low impact and less strenuous on the body, however you’re still being active and even burning some calories while you’re in the hot room. Practicing yoga is a great supplement to other workouts or physical activity and can even help your other workouts. So if you practice Hot Yoga you might see an increase in your running or weight-lifting or biking, whatever it may be. At the end of the day hot yoga is a great activity for your body and will help you become stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. Visit us online at or give us a call at 262-269-1466. We can’t wait to meet you!